True Love

True love is not a curse, a spell or a potion. Nor is it transient, fickle or bereft of devotion. It is not superficial, arrogant or materialistic, Nor is it foolish, messianic or narcissistic. True […]

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#TGBMS: Check Mate

Not for the first time, I am the bearer of extraordinarily good news, in relation to my family’s long-running battle with Bank of Scotland and its LPA Receivers, who have enjoyed the protection of a […]

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TGBMS: The Time Is Nigh

There are few moments in life, even if one is blessed with a generally fortunate existence, when many seemingly disparate phenomena synchronistically fall into place, giving rise to opportunities, both daunting and alluring, which are […]

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Questions of “Authority”

In any event, neither her majesty’s government, nor the EU Commissars, are capable of challenging these declarations, on the basis that the Grand Jury is beyond the jurisdiction of any government institution; only a properly convened Grand Jury of the Sovereign people of Britain could do that. However, given the self-evident fact that these actions have been taken in defence of such obviously treacherous and treasonous wrongdoings against the British people by successive governments, it is perhaps more likely that Tony Blair apologises for lying through his teeth over non-existent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, than for a properly convened Grand Jury to establish material evidence that these declarations are ill-founded in fact, law or jurisdiction.

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