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Media Collusion | Manipulating Organised Habits & Opinions

Media Collusion | Manipulating Organised Habits & Opinions

Media Collusion | Manipulating Organised Habits & Opinions

“Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country… It remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world….

As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented.”

Edward Bernays, PROPAGANDA 1928.

While the majority of Mankind compliantly fails to notice its enslavement and the concerted efforts to dramatically reduce the global population, by and through the waging of perpetual wars, toxic medication and the poisoning of our food, water and air, the mainstream media monopoly manipulates, distorts and obstructs our natural impulses, ambitions and values, so that it is often impossible to act with objectivity and perspective, let alone discern the differences between propaganda, hearsay, gossip and truth.

International television’s Orwellian monument, The Big Brother Experiment, has proved that many people would prefer to do something energetically humiliating under the total surveillance of 24 hour, ‘live’ TV, rather than be bored at work doing something they don’t like for the money.

It would certainly be significantly less effort to ring in sick and lie on the sofa eating junk food and channel surfing. Although there is very rarely anything worth watching on mainstream television networks, whose independence has been prevented by deregulation, monopoly and the never-ending competition for advertising revenue.

Total Surveillance State

In addition to preparing the masses of people for the Total Surveillance State, BIG BROTHER symbolizes the way the multinational corporations are leeching off the dysfunctions they have actively encouraged in our lives, resulting in the celebration of chronic narcissism, aspirational mediocrity and obsessive consumption. Reality TV is also the cheapest form of ratings-grabbing television and has infamously spawned a generation that can be famous for not being famous.

The quest for superficial beauty, international fame and filthy riches never results in happiness and fulfillment, but we have been conditioned to believe that the opposite is true. The very core of the so-called ‘culture of celebrity’ is to live a life in the service of the ego-driven self; preferably in the full glare of the spotlight, surrounded by other rich and famous narcissists.

Although very few ever achieve this level of vain and conceited pomp, the majority of the programmed masses would sell their souls to Rupert Murdoch for a decent tabloid headline. Virtually all who do inevitably live to regret it, then in a masochistic act of desperation at the sudden and brutal loss of their perceived celebrity status, sell the story of their decline to the highest bidding viper.

Propagandizing The Masses

The British people have been bombarded with so much propaganda, disinformation and puerile bullshit by the mainstream media, that we have done nothing to prevent the installation of more than four million CCTV cameras which record our every move, or the continued attempts to prevent us from exercising our unalienable birthrights and freedoms by consecutive and largely homogenized governments.

Without the collusion of the corporate-controlled mass media, the internationalists know that their plans to implement a secret World Government would have floundered long ago.

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, June 1991.

Right to Private Life

None of us are free if we do not have the right to a private life, including those who are accused of any crime.

Until a criminal accusation is proven before a jury in a fair and impartial tribunal, the media has no legal or moral recourse to publish or broadcast unsubstantiated allegations and vicious rumors.

However, regardless of financial status, victims of this brutal practice can apply to a court for an injunction to prevent any media outlet from publishing and/or broadcasting any material they object to for personal or legal reasons.

In addition, any publishing company or broadcaster who profits from unauthorised material automatically creates a cause of action for a compensation claim.

Deception & Fear-Mongering for Profit

Nevertheless, if every individual shareholder, company, trust or multinational, whether UK based or not, was legally prevented from owning more than one national newspaper, distribution network, broadcaster or publishing house, with investors also being precluded from acquiring more than a 1% shareholding of the aggregate value of the national media industries, perhaps then it would no longer be possible to utilize media deception and fear-mongering for private gain.

More often that not, corporate script-writers and hypnotically attractive presenters are used to play the roles of investigative journalists and dispassionate newsreaders, who unknowingly deliver the daily dose of mind programming with a stick-thin smile.

Since the dawns of the radio and television ages, manipulated content with a corporate agenda has masqueraded as the diligent regurgitation of the known facts of a matter. This is true of all mainstream news programmes, as well as much of so-called independent media content.

The standardized argument that it is in the ‘public interest’ to present editorial opinion or hearsay as fact, without presuming the accused’s innocence, flies full in the face of the right to a fair trial, literally perverting the course of justice.

If they weren’t the propaganda apparatus of the House of Rothschild, the multimedia corporations would never be out of the courts defending libel, copyright and defamation suits.

Just as Edward Bernays imagined it, the mainstream entertainment and media industries are a propaganda machine specifically designed to manipulate our greatest fears, to impose and nurture a multitude of weaknesses, and most importantly, to convince us that they only have the best interests of the public at heart.

Undue Influence

Maverick corporate dictator and long-time Bilderberger, Rupert Murdoch, has openly boasted since 1997 that the readers of the Sun newspaper swing U.K. election results, and that he decides which way Sun readers swing.

Is it really very wise to give so much media influence to anybody with an openly corporatist and militaristic agenda?

Should the people ever trust that somebody with so many vested interests, both visible and unseen, will be able to resist the temptation to control the flow of information into the public domain for their own personal gain?

Have we already forgotten the stark warning to the world Orson Welles delivered in his cinematic masterpiece, Citizen Kane (1941)?

The sudden demise of Murdoch’s most popular tabloid newspaper in Britain, the News of the World, in the wake of criminal allegations of phone-hacking against its senior executives being brought before a parliamentary select committee, would seem to suggest that Murdoch has made certain enemies he would rather not oppose.

However, even if he is forced to relinquish his personal control over a vast media empire that covers the entire globe, those powers will merely be transferred to other self-interested individuals with Rothschild connections.

Deprogramming Required

Once we recognise the perpetual attempt to dominate our subconscious mind and cognitive behaviour, it is possible to re-educate and de-programme ourselves through truly independent media sources; then we can decide for ourselves which version of ‘the truth’ we believe.

Propaganda is not designed to influence critical thinking; it is socially engineered to prevent the independent thought and discernment of the masses.

Permanently switching off the television disables its most prolific source. I know of nobody who has lived to regret doing so.

However, with social media tech giants such as Google, Twitter and Facebook already engaged in the manipulation of the minds of the masses, cancelling your TV subscription is pointless, if you believe everything you see on your socially engineered social media feeds.

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