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TGBMS Class Actions | It Was The Conveyancing Solicitors What Done It

TGBMS Class Actions | It Was The Conveyancing Solicitors What Done It

TGBMS Class Actions | It Was The Conveyancing Solicitors What Done It

Letters Before Claim

On August the 6th 2019, Letters Before Claim were served upon most of the banksters currently doing business in the UK, in the TGBMS Class Actions to end mortgage fraud.

Since then, we have served the same letters on a few mortgage companies which weren’t included in the initial dispatch, in addition to drafting replies to initial responses from a handful of the defendants.

We have also been adding claimants to the actions, all of whom have signed up to take part in the TGBMS Class Actions at

Should you wish to do so, please sign up without delay, as we will not be adding any more parties once the claims have been filed into court.

Automated TGBMS Claims

Later this week, our new automated and secure online claims database will be fully operational.

This will allow us to execute the class actions efficiently and without placing too much pressure on those who have volunteered to organise and administer them.

On that subject, if you are still awaiting a reply after joining your regional claim, please be patient.

Every administrator has been inundated with emails from people who want to join the actions. However, if you don’t hear back within a week, feel free to resend you email.

Statements of Claim

As soon as we have ascertained that every UK mortgage company has been served a Letter Before Claim, which we expect will transpire this week, Statements of Claim will be served upon them.

Following which the claims will be filed into court and the defendants will have 28 days to provide us with their substantive defences to the actions.

Land Registry

Once the court actions have been filed, we will then start the process of administering the claims for compensation from the Land Registry.

We will then start filing the applications to cancel all the claimants’ illegal mortgages in the Charges Register.

Having served letters notifying each regional Land Registry that we will be doing so, they each replied with a standard response.

However, it is the type of response we have seen many times before, so we can easily rebut it.

At the same time, it is almost certain that each regional Land Registrar will defer making decisions on these applications, until the outcome of the court proceedings is known.

The Defence of the State-Owned Banks

We have just received a very interesting response to our response to the initial defences of the banksters, for and on behalf of the B&B and others.

It appears the state-owned banks have taken the following position: the conveyancing solicitors are to blame, in the event we are proven to be right.

Nevertheless, this may prove to be highly significant, as it indicates that the banksters’ lawyers cannot conceive of a realistic argument to counter the TGBMS Grounds.

That being the case, it is almost certainly true that the judiciary has taken the same legal advice as the Treasury, which effectively owns those banks.

In which case, solicitors, barristers and judges are engaged in a damage limitation exercise.

Moreover, they are poised to pin all the blame for institutionalised mortgage fraud on the conveyancing industry.

Fatal Domino Effect

If that comes to pass, the Land Registry, most probably on the same legal advice, will grant our mass applications for indemnity.

They will then sue the conveyancing solicitors responsible for all the fraudulent registrations in the registers.

The conveyancing solicitors who survive that purge, will then turn on the banksters.

They will have the ruthless assistance of their professional negligence insurance companies’ solicitors.

As well as the barristers who have argued fraud was acceptable common practice for decades.

We will then sail home to a comfortable victory in the class actions to end mortgage fraud, as the system rigged to protect the banksters from the consequences of their crimes turns on its paymasters.

Related Links

Historic Judgment Which Changed Everything For UK Mortgagors

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Land Registry Confirms That No Mortgage Arises Without Legally Valid Documents

Mortgage Fraud 101: Summary of The TGBMS Grounds

Join The Unlawful Eviction Prevention Force

So You Want To Join The Class Actions To End UK Mortgage Fraud


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